On (My) Work

What is work? A question that of course many walking before me have asked. And while I still haven’t found the best “working” definition for myself yet, the writing ‘On Work’ by the Lebanese-American writer, poet, and philosopher Kahlil Gibran may come close to it for me in the way I sense his words resonate:

“Work is love made visible.”

That’s what I‘ve decided to push myself to do: make more of my own work or resonances visible and take the courage to share some of them with “the world”, even if it’s in just my own small world. And, maybe above everything else, with my beloved future self.

Is this hard work? Not in the sense that it’s something I intrinsically love to do: tinker, read, curate, and connect. And yet, it took me surprisingly long to get to this little meaningful juncture for me…so, difficult in the rearview mirror.

I finally get swept into the weaving my own little weird wonder waves.

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